Donnerstag, 20. August 2009

Auf Wiedersehen und Guten Tag!

We're gone and back again! (Depends on your point of view!).

Here the last photos i'll offer you. Our last evening and the airport scenes.
Thanks for following! As a review i'll show you some last videos, that can be seen
in a couple of days, so don't hesitate to visit us again!

Bye yours Jette

Caspar, David und Friedrich beim traumhaften Blick über das durch die Dämmerung wandernde Gepäck.

Danke Gordon, dass du so gut auf uns aufgepasst hast! ;-)

Sonntag, 16. August 2009

Ein letzter Blick durch die Strassen in Vancouver. Sieht alles rosig aus.

Ein Ottersuchbild. Sie verstecken sich gern im Seegras und schlummern auf dem Rücken.

Samstag, 15. August 2009

The Lady who organized our tour here in Kanada is Sarah Noni Metzner. Here i present you one piece of her programme called "Death". Enjoy.

Freitag, 14. August 2009

Travelling in Kanada is laid back, but time consuming. To stop and let in a fresh breath of air is a must then. The nature outweights the long tours with jaw-dropping views. Yesterday we made a whale watching tour in Ucluelet, Vancouver Island. There were sealions, seals, humpback whales, eagles and even the seldom otters around. Stunning!!! This is one of the most beautiful places on earth, plus: there is real rainforest left. The phantasy of wandering dinosaurs, eating the fern there, was not as unreal as it might seem here.
Photos of that visit will be seen later!
Rainforest like climate might be the reason for the steady rainfall when we left the place moving on to Victoria where we stay now for two nights in a 12 person collocation directly on the coast. Our host is musician Wilson, who we met at ArtWells Festival. The world is small here and people generous.

Yours Jette

The last places to be on our Tour were Vancouver, Duncan and Ucluelet (Tofino), all three quite nice places to stay, especially The Showroom in Duncan, operated by Long John. Not only had he his own small theater-like showroom, but also 13 small dogs, with hair so long that you were unsure where to find front and end of the animal, and two rooms filled with a lot of strange devices, such as a small sailing boat with a hundret feet, mini tit cups, for sipping milk of in mini amounts, a mechanic burger spatula or earings made from elk droppings. That was was amusement enough to get over the scarce audience of that small dozy town. Too bad because also the Showroom had an enchanted atmosphere, as if one found oneself back in a monkey island level not knowing with device leads to the next episode.
Here some impressions from the set:

We also made a hobbyhorse race :-)

Sarah Playing in Duncan.

Mittwoch, 12. August 2009

Und nun noch eins: Darts.

Dienstag, 11. August 2009

Und hier noch ein ganz Frisches:

Alin in Duncan Garage Showroom mit "Hol mich ein". Viel Spaß!

They call it Jam, we call it Marmelade.

Montag, 10. August 2009

Jetzt neu: Ein Mitschnitt von "Steps" aus der Art Gallery in Grand Forks.

Sonntag, 9. August 2009

Hier noch mal zwei Videos vom Artswells Festival, bis ich das nächste von Alin für euch fertig habe...

Samstag, 8. August 2009

We saw the sun dawning deep red and the moon dusking likewise. Click to enlarge!

Man beachte den Unterschied zwischen oben und unten:
Oben: Wolken auf Felsen
Unten: Waldbrand
Mind the slight difference between the photo on top and below:
Above: Clouds on a rock.
Below: Forest burning.
This year 11.000 people had been evacuated due to forest fires in BC.

Mittwoch, 5. August 2009

Alin Coen Band ist nicht in Kanada, sie ist in ***** **** Land.

Wer erkennt's?
Here you can see Scott Dunbar, first shot at Artswells Festival. I'll upload two more to my Youtube account. Hold on!

Man, the internet is slow in this part of the country. It takes me 45 Minutes to upload a video. But i am patient...

so here we go Folk Folks! The news!

We arrived in Revelstoke now, a small cosy town in the Rocky Mountains, having left that awsome ArtsWells Festival, we stayed at for about 4 days. We saw a lot of good musicians there and brought a couple of CDs for ourselves in remembrance of those pleasant days.
Also Alin's act was honoured with a lot of compliments from the happy crowd that for sure did not know the programme of the band and was glad afterwards that they took the chance to check out the german strangers.
So that was soothing since the last gig in Kamloops was unexpectedly ambiguous. The crowd in Kamloops was composed of 80 percent people over 50 and the rest was audience as usual. Most of the people brought folding chairs and rested in the parc attenting the concert in small peer groups. In the evening we saw the younger residents of Kamloops gathering in something that seemed to be a neon light techno dive.
But the audience we talked to was open hearded and very kind to us in both places. Oddly the adience's applause for the german songs was as enthusiastic as for the english ones, one could wonder how the german lyrics sound to the english speaking crowd....

I am sitting right here in a Café, within eyeshot of today's place to play at:
a pavilion in the middle of a street. Yeah, we almost forgot: it is a street festival.

See ya later!

Now follows: A full version of the quite new song "Wer bist du". Have fun.

Yours Jette

Sonntag, 2. August 2009

Sarah Noni Metzner was the second act after Alin was on stage.

This is the Artwells Music Festival already. Everthing is very hippieee here.

Marvellous Scott Dunbar gave a short show outside. Maybe i can upload a vid of him also!